Here are a few fashion, beauty, and all around lifestyle headlines to know today:
Model Charlotte McKinney, literally, showed off her booty at Spike TV’s Guys’ Choice Awards on Saturday.
While we’ve seen her in super-sexy outfits before, the back of her mini silver dress was so low that her butt cleavage, – sans undies – was visible. Watch the video below to see for yourself.
Charlotte McKinney's Wardrobe Malfunction
Barbie gets real
According to Mattel, 23 Barbies with different eye colors, hair colors, skin tones, face shapes and hair styles are being introduced. In addition to this change, Barbie can now wear heels or flat shoes, something Barbie hasn’t been able to do before.
Are Barbie Dolls Becoming More Realistic?
Jennifer Aniston’s beauty secret is simple
Jennifer Aniston’s face is flawless and she says her former model mom is to thank for it! The actress says she was always told by her mom to wash her face before bed and to moisturize, which she does religiously. In addition, the actress drinks lots of water to keep hydrated. What else? Jen says she doesn’t believe in Botox! Good on you!
Jennifer Aniston Reveals her Beauty Secrets